Flat Fee MLS Iowa
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Top Flat Fee Company | 2023

Flat Fee Group is a national association of Flat Fee brokers and REALTORS®. Unlike most national sites, Flat Fee Group is not a 3rd party referral site. Each state has a broker that you can work directly. Flat Fee Group is one of the oldest association of flat fee companies and REALTORS®. We have not found another national site that offers this level of service. We highly recommend this site.
- Not a 3rd party referral site
- Work directly with your state broker
- Click on each state for reviews
- Each state has different pricing
- Not every state offers full service
Located in New Jersey, Broker Direct MLS is licensed in many states it services. From their website - "From their website, "We've been at it the longest, have the best technology of any flat fee brokerage"
Company is located in Hollywood Florida and also services Alabama. From their website: "FlatFee.com have worked hard under the belief that we must provide consumers with alternate ways to sell and buy a house."
This is a 3rd party referral site. Located in California. From their site: "The leading By Owner website since 2003, we've helped thousands sell their homes By Owner. Save the commission (an average of $15,000) without compromising the results. Learn how ByOwnerMLS.com makes it easy to sell your home."
This is a 3rd party referral site. Located in Texas. From their site: "Flat Fee MLS Listing taken to a whole new level. Instead of charging a percentage commission for each transaction, MLS MY HOME Flat Rate Listing offers an A La Carte Menu of services to For Sale By Owners to choose from. We allow home sellers to save thousands upon thousands of dollars. With our Flat Rate Listing, we give our clients more than any other For Sale By Owner Site. And our clients recognize that they are getting a real bargain."
No 3rd party reviews found on site
This is a 3rd party referral site - Located in Manchester, CT. From their site: "You can use our powerful real estate marketing platform that puts you in control. You will get access to the tools that actually work when selling a home in today's market. Including the power of the MLS, internet search engines, real estate search portals and social media for you to target real buyers who are actively looking for homes for sale in your local area!"
No 3rd party reviews found on site
This is a 3rd party referral site. Located in Florida. From their site: "Flat fee MLS is a term used to describe a practice in which realtors place pertinent information about a property for sale into the database of the local Multiple Listing Service (MLS) for flat fee as opposed to a commission based on the contract selling price. All the benefits associated with an MLS listing will be realized at a fraction of the cost."
No 3rd party reviews found on site
This is a 3rd party referral site - Located in Georgia. Info from their site: " FSBO.com has been bringing buyers and sellers together since 1997 by providing them with the simplest and most cost-effective route to selling or buying properties online and saving them thousands of dollars each in the process."
No 3rd party reviews found on site
This is a 3rd party referral site. Located in New York. From their site: "Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is an online database where all the properties on sale are available. Only licensed agents have access to this database. MLS is the source where 88% of the buyer agents look for a property to recommend to their clients. That’s why, it becomes crucial to list on your home on the MLS."
No 3rd party reviews found on site
This is a 3rd party referral site.
No 3rd party reviews found on site
This is a 3rd party referral site. Located in Michigan. From their site: "List With The Otter is here to be your portal to the Multiple Listing Service and many other services that may be needed as you go from the idea of selling to SOLD."
No 3rd party reviews found on site
Located in Florida - From their site: "List With Freedom has been in business since 2005, helping sellers save thousands of dollars on the process of listing and selling their homes."
No 3rd party reviews found on site
This is a 3rd party referral site. Located in Boca Raton, Florida. From their site: "ByOwner offers that powerful tool to you for a nominal flat rate—PLUS adding your home to the sales pages of Realtor.com, Zillow, Trulia, Redfin, Bing, Yahoo, MSN, and many other popular websites. With our MLS listing service, a one-time, low flat fee gets your home on the MLS and top Internet listing sites, without ever paying a traditional commission. Learn more about the benefits of our flat-fee MLS package"
No 3rd party reviews found on site
This is a 3rd party referral site. Located in Florida. From their site: "Upon closing, we collect the typical 3% buyer agent commission, we will keep 1% to cover our cost, and credit you back the rest which normally belongs to us, instead, we are placing it in your pockets."
No 3rd party reviews found on site (reviews)
This is a 3rd party referral site. Located in California. The site appears to put your listing "out for bid" once you sign on.
Flat Fee MLS
Listing in Iowa
Iowa Flat Fee REALTOR®?
Flat Fee REALTORS® are the most recent form of selling real estate in Iowa. We have taken the time to offer honest assessments of a number of flat charge companies. While some companies are based in a certain state, others are located in different states. Many companies operate what are known as third-party referral sites. This means that they accept your order and send it to the company in your state that has offered the lowest price. Our recommendation is that you choose a company with a BBB A+ rating that is headquartered in Iowa.
To access consumer reviews that have not been filtered, click on the BBB logo. The best approach to sell real estate, according to our extensive study, is through flat fee listing, but you must pick the proper agent. Before you pay and list, call the business and conduct an interview. Avoid 3rd party referral sites. Iowa Members of the National Association of REALTORS® are flat fee brokers.
Multiple listing service, or "flat fee listing," is when a seller signs into a "à la carte service arrangement" with a real estate broker who accepts a flat fee rather than a percentage of the sale price for the listing side of the transaction (MLS). a predetermined cost The services that a normal real estate brokerage provides are often unbundled by an MLS business, and the property is offered for sale in the neighborhood Iowa MLS à la carte without needing the seller to employ all services.
The advantage of Iowa flat fee listing?
Using a flat rate MLS service has the primary benefit of allowing sellers to significantly reduce their real estate commission costs, which can reach up to 6% of the transaction price. But many of the duties that a full-service real estate agent would ordinarily carry out, such negotiating with purchasers and managing paperwork, fall to the seller. The best is to choose a full service flat fee REALTOR® to handle the entire transaction for you.
I have never sold with Flat Fee REALTOR®
If you have ever listed on the MLS, then you have listed this way.
Sometimes sellers think they are doing something different, but this is not the case.
We are listing on the same Iowa MLS as any other agent, but instead of charging a 3% commission at closing we are charging you a low flat fee,
We have "unbundled" our services. You pay for the service that fits your needs. We are your listing agent. Your listing will look the same, as all other listings. How much you pay us to list is not mentioned on the MLS. The only commission listed on the MLS, is how much you are offering to pay the buyer or leasing agent.
Iowa sale by owner Flat Fee MLS?
You are not listing your property yourself.
We are your listing agent, but instead of working for a high commission, we are working for a flat fee. We provide all the same services as any agent. There is only one REALTOR® MLS in Iowa, and this is where we will be listing your property.
Depending on the listing package, we can help you with pricing, contract review and contract negotiations. We are full service agents. We have done traditional 6% real estate in the past, but do it this way, because it is a fantastic service.
If a buyer comes to you directly as a FOR SALE BY OWNER in Iowa you can sell to them and not pay a buyer agent commission, and we will still help you with the home selling process.
Will agents show Flat Fee listings?
Yes, agents will show your listing. You are not a "flat fee or fsbo" listing on the MLS. All listings look the same.
We have been doing this many years and sold thousands and thousands of properties. The only commission agents care about is theirs. How much they are offered is posted on the Iowa MLS. The listing agent commission is not posted on the Iowa MLS. You decide how much you are going to offer the buyer's agent. You are not a FSBO on the MLS. Your listing looks just like all other listings.
Can I sell with a Flat Fee and not pay a commission?
If a buyer comes to you directly, without a buyer's agent, there will be NO buyer agent commission and NO more commission due to us. However most buyers do work with agents.