Our Property Sellers have and continue to save thousands of dollars in real estate commissions at their closings, by actively participating in their sale and/or taking on some of the responsibilities normally handled by a traditional listing agent.
Normally, within 24 hours of the time you decide to list on our website.
We normally hand deliver these items the same day you place the order. If it is necessary to ship, you will recive them within 2-3 business days. We ship UPS.
We can screen all calls and questions about your listing. We will contact you to schedule showings via text or phone call. 
Buyers Agents will email us a copy and we will present them to you via phone and email. As of 2004, the listing broker must accept and present all offers that come in for their client's property. We comply with that law.
Our phone number and website is on your yard sign.  Your biggest advantage is the text marketing tool on your sign. Buyers can take a virtual tour of your home simply by texting a Code on your yard sign where they can find a virtual tour of your home!
Currently a 11 year member of the Central Mississippi Board of REALTORS®, Central Mississippi Multiple Listing Service, (MLS) The National Association of REALTORS®, and A Multi-Million Dollar Producer annually. 
When clients listen to our suggestions, it is 100%. The major key to selling a home is the list price. If you list your home too high, it will most likely not sell.
Our normal business hours are 8-6 M-F and 9-6 noon on Saturday. However we do check emails & text during non-business hours 7 days a week.
It is posted on your MLS listing for agents to see.
Yes, you may cancel your listing at anytime, unless your home is under contract.
No, only a licensed REALTOR® who is member NAR (National Association of Realtors) and the local MLS board can list on the MLS. There is no other way.
Ulist Realty and the buyer's agent process all legal documents.
Our business model has been built to keep overhead low. We spend our advertizing dollars to promote our seller clients properties. By saveing each seller thousands on the sale of their properties, they in turn write great reviews to us and tell their friends, families and neighbors about us! 
Your MLS # is generated at the time your property goes live on the MLS. You will receive a welcome letter by email with your MLS # and links to the MLS and other important sites to view your property.
 Not at all. We maintain great relationships with buyer agents! 

 The compliance fee is paid by all sellers out of their proceeds at closing. This fee is to make sure we can continue to offer our low fee listing services while providing excellent service, which we have been doing for 18 years.

This fee helps cover always increasing MLS and association fees.  The fee also cover the “behind the scenes” work we have to do to remain compliant with all state and national real estate regulations. In addition to listing your property, we have to remain in compliance with MLS and Real Estate Commission rules after it goes under contract, and after it closes.   This involves collecting and maintaining a lot of paperwork and making status changes. 

The fee is a low .25% (a quarter of 1%) of the sale price, which is less than 1%, and much less than the national average of listing which is approximately 2 to 3%.