As long as you provide good quality photos and complete information, your listing will look like all other listings on the MLS. How much money you pay us to list your property is not posted on the MLS and agents are not concerned with how much you paid us, they are only concerned with how much money they will make. However, agents recognize that they have to do more work when they are working directly with the seller. They feel they are taking over duties that listing agents normally provide, that is why we pay them 3% on Showcase listings. Since we provide all services listing brokers typically provide on Full Service listings, agents will gladly show and sell them for 2.4%.
While some flat fee companies will allow low agent payouts, we have learned from our 20+ years experience in discount brokerage that is a recipe for failure. The whole purpose of flat fee brokerage is to expose your property to buyers agents and their clients. Agents do not like being underpaid anymore than you do. From our experience with other flat fee companies most sellers that offered less than the recommended commission rates eventually raised them. But, they lost the "new on the market" impact that a new listing garners. Unlike some of our competitors we are in business to sell your house, not to collect a listing fee. Your success is vital to our success!