Nationwide Real Estate Relocation Services
A new way to relocate.
Buying or selling a home is a major financial decision. It makes sense to invest time and effort in finding a good agent to make sure the process turns out right. When buying or selling in their community most people do their homework to find the right agent. However, when relocating out of town buyers typically find an agent through the Internet or depend on their local agent to refer them to an agent in the new community. Relying on the local agent for a referral is fine, if the agent actually does the research. Moving to an unfamiliar area requires a higher degree of expertise and attention from an agent than is needed to move within a community that is familiar. That is why doing the research is so important.
Berkshire Real Estate has a better system. We do the research and find agents that are experienced, prominent in their communities, and work with the kind of houses in the areas that meet the needs of the buyers we help relocate. After finding agents that meet our requirements we interview them and their managers to insure a perfect fit both in experience and personality. We only ask for the standard referral fee, generally 20 to 25 percent so they want to work with our referrals. Best of all, we rebate you 50 percent of the fee we receive!
Moving? Fill out the Referral Form and we'll find you a great agent.
Q. Do I have to be a current or past client with Berkshire to utilize this service?
A. All of our services are a la carte. You can use those services that you need and enjoy the discounts associated with them. Our relocation service is open to anyone relocating. In fact, not only can we find a great out of town buyer's agent, if you have real estate to sell we can find a great listing agent as well.
Q. Is giving rebates legal? Why aren't other companies doing it?
A. The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), a Federal statute first enacted in 1974, prohibits real estate agents from sharing fees with third parties but allows it with primary parties, such as the buyer or seller. Real estate brokers are allowed to pay and receive referral fees.
Since most people being relocated will be involved in a referral transaction we figure they deserve to have the best agent possible and a little extra cash in their pocket. As for the second part of the question, that's a good question.
Q. What areas qualify?
A. Virtually anywhere in the United States.
Q. What if I don't like the agent, am I required to use him/her?
A. If the agent we find isn't working out, we'll gladly find another one. You are always free to use any agent that you want, however if we don't receive a referral fee we can't share it.
Moving? Fill out the Referral Form and we'll find you a great agent.