For clients wanting to be listed on the REALTOR® MLS, and with minimum service from the listing brokerage. The backend fee is the listing brokerage commission fee paid at closing upon a successful sale. The MLS a private offer of cooperation and compensation by listing brokers to other real estate brokers where you get to choose what you as the seller would like to offer to the buyer's agent commission. The upfront marketing fee is non-refundable.
For clients wanting to be listed on the REALTOR® MLS, and with minimum service from the listing brokerage. The backend fee is the listing brokerage commission fee paid at closing upon a successful sale. The MLS a private offer of cooperation and compensation by listing brokers to other real estate brokers where you get to choose what you as the seller would like to offer to the buyer's agent commission. The upfront marketing fee is non-refundable.
For clients wanting to be listed on the REALTOR® MLS, and with minimum service from the listing brokerage. The backend fee is the listing brokerage commission fee paid at closing upon a successful sale. The MLS a private offer of cooperation and compensation by listing brokers to other real estate brokers where you get to choose what you as the seller would like to offer to the buyer's agent commission. The upfront marketing fee is non-refundable.
Max number of photos allowed by MLS:
* Listing term can be for as long as 12 months.
* You may cancel at anytime, for any reason, unless your home is under contract or negotiation. (early termination could apply)
* Zillow
* Trulia
* Zip Realty
* Yahoo Homes
* AOL Real Estate
* and many more!
(in most areas)
Listing on most real estate company sites!
We are here to make this an easy process. Phone support will be by appointment only. Please send appointment requests to The majority of the communication will be done by email.
Your own personal property flyer with all the statistical data buyers want. It will be sent by email for you to print out.
* Double-sided sign
* Post not included
* Sign frame can be purchased at Home Depot or Lowes
* Combo lock boxes can be purchased at Menards, Home Depot, Lowes, and many hardware stores for about $30. (seller responsibility to purchase)
Note: See plans on which one provides it. If not it's an add-on.
* ShowingTime is the service that allows agents to schedule showings
* Includes showing feedback (as long as the agents complete) which will be automatically sent to sellers
* Big time saver for sellers (notifications will be sent by text/email)
* Sellers control approving showings that are being requested
* Helps you determine a listing price for your property
* Gets rid of any guess work as to what values are in your area
* List price is the most important part of selling
* Offers will be emailed to sellers upon receiving them by email or dotloop
* Offer advice and opinions
* Calculate closing costs
* Review done by email (phone is appointment only)
* We handle the paperwork and negotiations for both seller-generated and MLS-generated buyers.
* Buyers agents deal directly with us and we handle contract negotiations on your behalf.
* Same full service that others are paying 6% - 8% for.
* We have negotiated 1000's of transactions.
* Makes the selling process less stressful for you, and ideally more profitable.
® Flat Fee Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Flat Fee Group logo and service marks are owned by Flat Fee Group, LLC. Flat Fee Group, LLC is proud to be the largest organization of Flat Fee brokers in the United States and is registered for "Real estate multiple listing services; Real estate brokerage". Accept no alternative or referral companies when listing.
Arlington | Ashland | Bellevue | Bennington | Blair | Fremont | Gretna | LaVista | Lincoln | Louisville | Omaha | Papillion | Plattsmouth | Ralston | Springfield | Valley | Wahoo | Waterloo |