Jack's Texas Real Estate Commission License History
Jack McLemore has been a licensed REALTOR® since 1998 and a Broker since 2000. He started selling real estate at Prudential, and then moved to ReMax before starting
Listing Results, LLC. Jack's primary functions are sales/marketing, website management, contract negotiations and helping sellers with pricing and getting their property sold.
Sheila's Texas Real Estate Commission License History
Sheila McLemore has been a licensed agent/REALTOR® since 1999 and was at ReMax before starting Listing Results, LLC. Sheila's primary functions are office administration, contract negotiations, customer service, and data input of listings.
Garrett's Texas Real Estate Commission License History
Garrett McLemore has been working with LR as an assistant since 2017 and a licensed REALTOR® since 2018. His primary functions are customer service,
data input of listings, buyer’s agent and contract negotiations.
Carli McLemore is a licensed agent since 2022. She helps with all functions in the office.
* We have a BBB A+ rating with real reviews
* Listed and sold thousands of homes since 1998
* We have worked for the traditional real estate companies in the past (Prudential - now called Berkshire Hathaway & ReMax)
* We own a site call www.sendoffer.com this allows you to the offer the same time we do 24/7. There is no lag time with you receiving the offer. If the agent sends a 2AM, you will get it at 2AM.
* We also own at site called www.setshowing.com this for "By Owner" buyers to contact you directly for showings or questions.
* Your contact info is in private agent remarks for agents to contact you directly with questions.
* On our full service we use docusign for sales contracts. This makes signing contract very simple.
* We use www.showingtime.com for agents to set showing (on most listing plans)