Sale or Rent. This is the upgraded Flat Fee MLS Listing. However, you are expected to do the work typically done by us, the listing agent. This is a sellers market and most listings get multiple offers. You will need to know, understand and take on potential liability as to the complexity of how to handle them.
DO NOT expect a buyers agent to do your / our work. The Basic Plan is for those wanting MLS marketing, without the extras. This plan is designed for those who are experienced with the entire selling process and will need very little broker support. Support is available but with extra fees.
Just a note as you consider things: Most agents do not like to deal with sellers... Right or wrong, they assume as the seller is not in the business, they may mess up the deal and make it harder. Therefore most of our sellers do the full service listings. Full service takes the "Fear Factor" out of the deal as we help from start to finish.This is a nice upgrade for a modest price.
On all sales, there will be a “a “Transaction Coordination Fee” of 1/10 of 1 percent (0.1%) of the Net Sale Price will be collected at closing by KRLLC, listing broker, to cover costs associated with coordinating the transaction and employing and enforcing policies and procedures required to stay compliant with State Laws and MLS Rules. This is not an additional fee from the Seller. The “Net Commission” (Total Commission minus Transaction Coordination Fee) appears in the MLS as the compensation offered to Buyer Agents. For example, if the “Total Commission” offered is 2.5%, the “Net Commission” of 2.4% will appear in the MLS as the Buyer’s Agency Commission."